Itineraries – Skills

TEFL UAH >> Itineraries >> Skills


This track is aimed at:

  • In-service primary or secondary school teachers of English.
  • In-service teachers of English at Official Schools of Languages and Polytechnics.
  • University degree holders with a good knowledge of English and an interest in language teaching.

All classes will be held at the Faculty of Philology (Caracciolos Building, Trinidad Street, 3, Alcalá de Henares). To see the schedule of face-to-face classes for this track in the academic course, please visit TIMETABLES & SCHEDULES.


Core subjects (16 credits)

1st Term

2nd Term

Choice of SEVEN Option Courses (28 credits)

1st Term

2nd Term

For the completion of the Master’s degree, students must write and defend orally their Master’s Dissertation (16 credits), which is offered in two modalities:


14 + 5 =

Do you want to study with us ?

University of Alcalá

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras


Plaza San Diego, 1.
28801 Alcalá de Henares


+34 91 885 40 00