
TEFL UAH >> Program >> Methodology

The methodology is interactive and is based on the relationship between theory and practice. Students will have access to the Blackboard Collaborate Ultra platform of the University of Alcalá, where each teacher uploads their materials and organizes videoconferences (if they are included in the module). Some subjects are developed in person (either totally or partially).

The teaching methodology of the master’s degree has components based on critical discussion and exploration of the materials presented by the teachers (readings, sample activities, etc.), as well as interaction, whether in pairs or groups. Some modules also have a strong experience-based character. Therefore, the students will be able to use some of the methodologies and strategies included in the contents of the subject first-hand, to be later invited to critically reflect on their use.

Regarding evaluation, the master’s degree has two calls per course: ordinary and extraordinary. The recommended evaluation is continuous, based on class attendance, assignment delivery and oral presentations, in most cases. To consult the evaluation of each of the subjects, visit the Specialties section of the menu, choose your itinerary and click on the subjects that correspond to your program.


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