Teaching Staff
M. Luisa Pérez Cañado

Dr. María Luisa Pérez Cañado is Full Professor at the Department of English Philology of the University of Jaén, Spain, where she is also Rector’s Delegate for European Universities and Language Policy. Her research interests are in Applied Linguistics, bilingual education, and new technologies in language teaching. Her work has appeared in over 120 scholarly journals and edited volumes published by Elsevier, Peter Lang, Cambridge University Press, Multilingual Matters, Wiley-Blackwell, Routledge, DeGruyter, or Springer, among others. She is also author or editor of 11 books on the interface of second language acquisition and second language teaching, and editor or member of the editorial board of 18 international journals. María Luisa has given more than 170 lectures and talks in Belgium, Poland, Germany, Portugal, Ireland, England, Mexico, Brazil, Peru, China, The United States, Japan, Australia, and all over Spain. She is currently coordinating the first intercollegiate MA degree on bilingual education and CLIL in Spain, as well as four European, national, and regional projects on attention to diversity in CLIL. She has also been granted the Ben Massey Award for the quality of her scholarly contributions regarding issues that make a difference in higher education and three awards for pedagogical innovation and best teaching practices (2010, 2020, and 2022). She has equally been a finalist in the Premios Educa Abanca a Mejor Docente de España and is included in the Top 2% of the world’s most cited scientists according to the Ranking of World Scientists drawn up by Stanford University (2021 and 2022).