Teaching Staff
M. Dolores Porto Requejo

M Dolores Porto is a senior lecturer in English Linguistics at the Universidad de Alcalá. She has been Academic Secretary (2010-2013) and Head (2013-2016) of the Modern Philology Department, and is currently the Coordinator of the Degree in English Studies and Coordinator of the itinerary Developing English Teaching Skills in the Master’s Degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. After more than a decade as teacher of English for Secondary and High Schools, she now teaches both undergraduate and postgraduate subjects and is the leader of the teaching innovation team Languages and Multimodality. Her research interests, framed in the field of Cognitive Linguistics, focus on the close relationship between mind and language and how different cognitive processes affect understanding, discourse interpretation and foreign language learning. She was Secretary of the Spanish Cognitive Linguistics Association (AELCO) from 2016 to 2022 and is a member of the research team Discourse, Identity and Cognition (DICO) at the Universidad de Alcalá. Among her most recent publications: Water metaphors and Evaluation of Syrian Migration: The Flow of Refugees in the Spanish Press (2022, Metaphor and Symbol) Variation and Socio-cultural Embodiment in Metaphors for Social Change (2022, in Cognitive Sociolinguistics Revisited, de Gruyter) and Conveying Emotion in a Foreign Language: Multimodal Resources in Digital Stories (2021- Rivista di Psicolinguistica Applicata)