Teaching Staff
Elena Serrano Moya

Elena Serrano is Ph. D. in American studies (Research Institute Franklin-UAH). She started to teach more than 20 years ago and during her career she has been teaching from Primary students to adults at all levels in different modes: face-to-face and/or online. Apart from teaching the English language, she has also been teaching both pre-service teachers and service teachers about teaching-learning methodologies, the use of Shorts in the language classroom or Children´s Literature. Her role at university also includes supervising End-of-degree projects and Master’s dissertation. Apart from her teaching experience, she has managerial experience as she was the Academic Director of MA in Bilingual Education at UNIR, as well as the Head of Studies of the Language School and the Academic Director of the Postgraduate Certificate on CLIL. Indeed, she designed both the Master’s program and the Postgraduate Certificate. Her research interests range from Bilingual education, CLIL, to Intercultural competence, American culture and Teaching-Learning methodologies. At present, she is teaching Culture and Civilization of the English-Speaking Countries and Business English at UAH with online English classes to civil servants as well as collaborating with Exams Madrid, an examining center, in their exams.