Frequently asked questions

1. Is my C1 certificate accepted? / Which C1 certificates are accepted?

In order to find out if your C1 certificate is valid, please refer to the following table:

2. Is it compulsory to do an internship in an educational institution (Observed Teaching Practice)?

The Observed Teaching Practice (OTP) is compulsory for those students who are not working as teachers while they are taking the Master.

3. Is it possible to take the master's degree entirely online?

No, it is not. The master’s degree is a blended learning programme, so attending face-to-face lessons is compulsory in all cases. The face-to-face lessons are taught from Monday to Friday, from 17:30 to 20:30..

4. Can I register as a part-time student?

Yes, you can register part-time. In fact, if you work full-time, we recommend that you take the Master’s degree in two academic years. However, you should bear in mind that the maximum length of the study is three years.

5. How do I take my exams?

There are no written exams in any of the modules of the Master’s degree. Students are assessed through continuous evaluation by means of task submissions, class individual and group work, essays, projects, oral presentations, activities in the virtual platform, etc.

6. Where can I find information on admission and registration? What about fees and grants?

If you need information on the admission and registration process or public fees and grants you can apply for, please visit the University site at:

If you still have doubts, you can contact the Students’ Administration office at:  or


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