Teaching Staff
Antonio García Gómez

I am currently a Full Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Alcalá, where I teach Emotional Intelligence and Creativity in the teaching of English as a Foreign Language (undergraduate degree course) and Classroom Management and Motivation for Primary Teachers. Much of my work belongs to the fields of Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics. I have a particular research interest in gender and identity performance on social media. In addition, I maintain interests in a variety of other areas, especially areas relating to the teaching of the English Language: student engagement, flipped learning and design thinking. I have recently published a journal article on learning through WhatsApp (2022. “Students’ beliefs, L2 pragmatic development and interpersonal relationships.” Computer Assisted Language Learning, 35(5-6): 1310-1328), and a book chapter on flipped learning in higher education, facilitating and assessing student engagement in the classroom (Bartolota, S. and M. Tormo-Ortiz (eds). 2022. Social Network, Interlingüística y Enseñanza del Inglés. Madrid: Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia). I have also co-edited (with Bautista-Martín) a collection of papers on Language and Content Instruction, Maximising Student Engagement in Bilingual Primary Schools (2023, Journal: Educación y Futuro).