Michele Guerrini

Michele C. Guerrini has taught in the Universidad de Alcalá de Henares Master Universitario en Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera since 2010. Her goal is to empower teachers with the tools to satisfy the diverse needs of today’s learners. She is interested in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), plurilingualism, visual learning and educational technology especially as they support learning and self-expression in classrooms where the medium of instruction is not the learner’s native language. Before settling in Spain, she taught English as a second language, Spanish and Spanish literature at tertiary level in the U.S.A. Developing materials has been a parallel activity to teaching. This facet of her professional life began as a member of the team contracted by the Peace Corps to design a course in Brazilian Portuguese. In Spain, she taught EFL methodology at a teacher’s college while moving into publishing. As Editorial Director for an educational publisher, she produced EFL materials for primary and secondary, until she transitioned from EFL to managing CLIL art, natural and social science, biology, geography and history projects. She set up MCG Content and Language Network in order to write CLIL materials. She is co-author of Learning Lab: Social Science (Santillana Richmond) and Comet, an EFL/CLIL primary course (UDP). Academic projects represent another facet of her work. She is co-editor of CLIL across educational levels (Richmond), and regularly publishes in professional journals. Her research on pre-primary CLIL will appear in A. Otto and B. Cortina, B. (Eds.) Handbook of CLIL in Pre-primary Education (Springer). She has trained teachers in many Comunidades Autónomas, and frequently presents at national and international conferences where she enjoys exchanging insights on the factors that enable learners to develop lifelong competences. PhD (University of Pennsylvania); M.Ed (University of Pennsylvania); M.Ed (University of Manchester).